
EMDR therapy in Texas

If you are searching online for “EMDR therapy near me” while living in Martindale, Texas, you have found the right medical institution to help you. At Lonestar Mental Health we offer a range of therapeutic treatments to patients of all backgrounds. If you struggle to live a normal life after surviving a distressing event that hurt you or other people, do not hesitate to ask for help – contact us today and let us figure out how to aid you.

What Is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy technique – a therapist teaches their patient how to move their eyes in a certain way while the dialogue allows the parties to access painful memories and process trauma. Even though this method of treatment is rather new, the EMDR therapy success rate is self-explanatory – most individuals have noted their symptoms have lessened or disappeared completely.

EMDR Benefits

If you are not sure about the positive impact of EMDR treatment, take into account the following benefits:

Straightforward Techniques

Most of the work will be done in the office of a therapist - you will not have to implement numerous practices in between sessions or learn difficult techniques you are not supposed to carry out on your own. Besides, collaboration with the counselor will help you avoid such EMDR therapy side effects as headaches and dizziness.

Perfect for Trauma Survivors

EMDR therapy for PTSD allows patients with various traumatic events in their past to move forward without hardships overshadowing their lives. While you undergo treatment, you can process the thoughts and feelings that upset you and figure out how to avoid these painful memories in the future.

Less Intense Treatment

While certain cognitive therapy practices or group talking therapy force a patient to relive distressing events over and over again in their mind as well as describe their life story to other people, this treatment will help you move past your trauma.

Short-Term Therapy

If you read EMDR therapy reviews before, you may have noticed that patients did not have to sign up for years of treatment - on the contrary, a few weeks or months of this therapy were enough for them to recover.

Improvement of Relationships With Others

Trauma becomes a burden that interferes with the life of a patient and does not allow their family and friends to have a deep and meaningful connection with them. EMDR will show you how to strengthen your bond with your inner circle and set healthy boundaries for your future communication.

Character Building

When you accept your past and make peace with it for the sake of your present happiness, you become mentally stronger - no more unwanted intrusive thoughts to ruin your day. EMDR therapy training will make you more resilient and adaptable to ever-changing life circumstances.

Why Choose Lonestar Mental Health?

Tailored Approach

Our therapists have helped patients with various mental health disorders for years – we know that sometimes practices suitable for one patient will only harm another individual which is why we will offer you the most appropriate therapeutic strategy upon the initial evaluation.

Flexibility of Treatment

We are going to adapt to the needs of every patient, adjust the therapy they are undergoing, and carefully monitor their progress every step of the way.

Holistic Therapy

Some patients struggle with mental health issues they barely register – it is our duty to ensure every issue is addressed, and our clients are guided towards a balance between their bodies and minds.

Safe Environment

Numerous individuals refuse to seek the treatment they desperately need because they want to keep their problems private – at our center, we are dedicated to keeping your worries and concerns confidential while providing you with high-quality therapy.

Give Chance to Therapy for a Better Future

You already took the first step – you are actively looking for ways to cope with your trauma and related mental health issues. The next step in your mental health journey is getting in touch with specialists qualified to help you. Reach out to Lonestar Mental Health without delay – we can discuss the possibilities of EMDR treatment, the EMDR therapy cost, and extra reasons for getting professional help at our facility.
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