
PTSD Treatment in Texas

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often remains untreated – a person may be sure there is nothing wrong with them or that there is no reason to seek therapy since they can manage just fine on their own. Yet they can be wrong – if you fail to address the root of the matter and get the symptoms of PTSD under your control, you risk further cognitive and emotional complications. Whether a therapist advises you to undergo talking therapy or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder medication turns out to be the best solution to your issues, do not delay treatment – reach out to us today and let us guide you towards full recovery.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) often remains untreated – a person may be sure there is nothing wrong with them or that there is no reason to seek therapy since they can manage just fine on their own.  Whether a therapist advises you to undergo talking therapy or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder medication turns out to be the best solution to your issues, do not delay treatment – reach out to us today and let us guide you towards full recovery.

What Is PTSD Treatment?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment means searching for a therapeutic approach to handle the symptoms of PTSD, both in the short and long term. It may be increasingly difficult to continue your life while PTSD keeps disrupting your existence – it is very easy to encounter a triggering person or object and feel scared and upset for the rest of the day. Early intervention – and seeking therapy as soon as you can after the accident or abuse happens – can improve your life in a variety of ways.

Common PTSD Signs

Mood Swings

A person with PTSD may feel calm and happy, yet in just a few minutes, their demeanor changes, which influences their behavior - they become aggressive, irritated, and reclusive.

Lack of Concentration

It is hard to focus when your mind is constantly vigilant - you may be scared an accident will happen again, which will not allow you to concentrate on professional tasks and personal obligations.


Involuntary recurring memories of the event that brought you physical and emotional damage may appear during the day and bother you in your sleep.

Intrusive Thoughts

Unwanted, distressing, and often violent thoughts are common for people who cannot get rid of upsetting memories.


People who suffer from PTSD may relive the traumatic event through realistic or unsettling dreams - they may scream or act out in their sleep to escape the experience.

A better life awaits you.

How to Treat PTSD at Lonestar Mental Health?

Individual Therapy

Discuss your worries with a licensed therapist to uncover underlying issues that may manifest later on and discover how to deal with existing problems.

Group Counseling

Meet with other patients who can relate to your trauma and present hardships – this is particularly important if PTSD leads to isolation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

It is essential to modify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive emotions and feelings in order to combat PTSD.

Relaxation Practices

Feeling more self-aware and creative by incorporating meditation, breathing exercises, and aromatherapy into your life can improve your mental wellness.

Family Therapy

The participation of family members and their active involvement in the process of recovery can often be the push in the right direction.

PTSD Medication Management

Only a clinician will be able to prescribe the medication a patient needs to manage the most severe symptoms of PTSD they experience daily.

Benefits of Treatment at Lonestar Mental Health

There is no reason to apply the same techniques in treatment - we will figure out what suits you best and adapt to your goals and wishes.

Our specialists have been offering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder therapy for more than twelve years now - we know how to work with patients of all backgrounds.

PTSD treatment is more successful when other people are on your side - your family will be welcome to join therapy sessions while your peers you meet in group therapy will become your safe space.

A comprehensive treatment approach is key when it comes to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms - in some instances, there are additional problems to identify and address.

Treat PTSD and Regain Control Over Your Life

While a journey towards PTSD recovery may be long and complicated, the first step is to admit there is a problem and find a mental health professional equipped with knowledge and skills to help you cope with this condition. Lonestar Mental Health is ready to provide you with time-tested PTSD therapy and ensure your future is not burdened by its harmful symptoms.

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